Saturday, November 14, 2009

The End of World!

Now again.. We are back to the End of World.. How many times will we destroy it is the real question!!

I have been seeing a lot more 'End of World' specials on TV than I have ever thought of it, It seems to be something that is helping the folks getter better TRP. It's time Ekta did some bit of 're-thinking' and added this as part of her Daily-Soaps.

On a serious thought, What is that makes the world really think that this is the End? Mayan calendar? Yes that seems to be the whole concept weaver, But the other question the Pro-enders need to answer is- "If they could predict the End of World then why not their own?" (and perhaps work towards surviving it!!!

I hear some Heavy-Headed dudes on TV trying to sell the concept in a heated four-way discussion that this indeed is 'judgement day'.. Well if they are so much convinced then why not write-off all the credits of the millions, who struggle to pay their EMIs' and reduce the Suicide statistics and help less fortunate see the "End of World"

Whether the End of world or not.. It definitely seems to be the End of Road for one certain Minister in my State (Courtesy: The Mining Trio)... With all this instability going on, the state hosts "IT.Biz 2009".. I guess the investors dont see the 'Under-Mining Fact'.

With all that Mining happening.. The world is surely ending for some hapless animals..!! Ohh.. Did I mention the new Super-hero out to save the world(rather his own Political Career), It starts with 'N' and ends 'YOU'.. With all this Mud-slinging I guess we will all be underground (6 feet to be specific) by the time "End of World Arrives"...

Having said all this I have a movie to catch tomorrow morning, which happens to be called '2012'..

The End Of World (End of Blog for Sure)...

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